Generational sin and slavery

Sin is slavery. Generational sin is generational slavery.

Sin is slavery. Generational sin is generational slavery.

When someone enters slavery at first, after knowing freedom, they consider it to be an abnormal state. As time goes by and they are gradually submitted to their new condition through constant oppression. They begin to accept it, view it as inevitable, unchangeable and as their “new normal”. There may be thoughts of resistance but the fear of the consequences of acting on those thoughts paralyze them into passivity, submission and inaction.

Just one bite!

A woman biting an apple

The root of male/female relationship problems

There is a direct connection between how we relate to God and how we relate to each other. Simply put, the more we are in love with God, our Creator, the easier it is to love people, His creation. Our close relationships demonstrate this in our fluctuating levels of grace and compassion. This is particularly evident in the marriage relationship. Recently I realised how corrupt this relationship had become as a result of ‘The Fall’. Adam and Eve’s sin not only wrecked their relationship with God, but also dramatically changed the way they related to each other. Their actions produced divisions and negative ways of relating which have been passed down through the generations, to affect us today.

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What is witchcraft?

A witch drawing in black and white, the witch has a pointy hat, a black dress and a knife in her right hand, she is looking down on and old book, she has a candle in her left hand.

Firstly, what exactly is it? Most of us imagine a man or woman in a pointy hat looking at dusty old books and making up magic potions. That is not the core definition of witchcraft.

Witchcraft, above anything else, is the imposition of one being’s character, desires or opinions over another person’s free will in opposition to the latter’s complete freedom. It is the power of agreement imposed upon another person. It is coercion, manipulation or imposition of one person’s free will over another’s in order to obtain agreement on an subject, issue, opinion or action.

The premise of complete freedom was given to us by God himself when he said Christ has given us freedom for freedom itself, not to impose an agenda, opinion, doctrine or way of life, but so that we could be truely free to make our own choices and decisions in life.

So our foundation in Christ is complete freedom. Imagine being able to fly, you can go up, down, left, right, forwards or backwards; that is the spiritual position Christ puts us in when we accept Him and He says “I set you free now go for it, try something”.

Religion obliges vs. love empowers

There are so many different religions, so what’s the difference between Christianity and any other religion?

Most religions lay out a set of laws and rules that you need to obey to be worthy or righteous or to attain some degree of spiritual piety, prestige or position. The most holy thing in the religion is the rule book or law by which the believer abides.

With Christianity, the law or rules are not obligations that hover over you with a promise of punishment for wrongdoing; they are a foundation on which you stand.

The premise is that Christ died to make you perfect. You are born again and setup for success on a solid foundation. That foundation then is not above you, crushing you, but under you, built by those who went before you.

It’s for you build on. You stand on Christ (the Word of God), the foundation, to do greater things than He did. Everything is sustained by the Word of God, not by your own effort.

You do not begin your journey under an impossible burden of perfection, you start as a baby for whom all is provided and you grow and learn to hunt for your own food; to “build the temple” of the Holy Spirit on the foundation of The Word that is given to you at conception.

Should Boris Johnson resign?

We’ve all heard the cries of scandal in the past week over a couple of parties held at No 10 and the demands from various parties for Boris Johnson’s resignation. All well and good, politicians should be held to account.

The question that arises as soon as I hear these kinds of things is; What is in the nation’s best interest?

The answer is not always self-evident as there are many parameters to consider:


Firstly, let’s talk about stability. In a context of Covid and economic uncertainty, do we need a change of leadership or would it be wiser to let those who have some experience of leading the country in the current context continue to do so?  A government that changes too often does not have time to implement policies that are potentially beneficial for the country, it is also vulnerable to outside influence from other countries as it is weakened by the lack of internal support and so needs to seek allies externally, this invariably comes at a cost, there’s no such thing as a free lunch in politics.

There are two seas

There are two seas in the Land of Israel. One is fresh, and fish are in it. Splashes of green adorn its banks. Trees spread their branches over it, and stretch out their thirsty roots to sip of its healing waters. Along its shore children play.

The River Jordan makes this sea with sparkling water from the hills. So it laughs in the sunshine. And people build their homes near to it, and birds their nests; and every form of life is happier because it is here.

The River Jordan flows on south into another sea. Here there is no splash of fish, no fluttering leaf, no song of birds, no children’s laughter. The air hangs heavy above its waters and neither people nor animals will drink here.
What accounts for the mighty difference between these seas? Not the River Jordan. It empties the same good water into both. Not the soil in which they lie; not the country ‘round about.

This is the difference:
The Sea of Galilee receives but does not keep the Jordan’s water. For every drop that flows into it another drop flows out. The giving and receiving go on in equal measure.
The other sea is shrewder, hoarding its income jealously. It will not be tempted into any generous impulse. Every drop it gets, it keeps.
The Sea of Galilee gives and lives. This other sea cannot sustain life. It is named the Dead Sea.

There are two seas in the Land of Israel.
There are two kinds of people in the world.

Bruce Barton

Kunta Kinte and intellectual enslavement

I remember being a very young man when I first encountered the now cult scene from the hit series Roots, in which the unfortunate Kunta Kinte is whipped into accepting his new name “Toby” by the merciless slave owner John Waller.
He is very publicly broken, humiliated and submitted in the most appalling, yet perfectly legal manner (at that time in history).
The public nature of his torment sets and example and acts as a warning to others who would contradict the powers that be; “dissent at your peril”.

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Fear’s secret superpower

Simply put, the super power of fear is the power to blind. Here’s why.

It’s a given that it is easier to beat a blind enemy than one with 20/20 vision. Any military corps worth it’s salt knows that. Army’s around the world spend billions and work hard to use stealth to camouflage their movements or when that’s is not possible they will attempt to either blind their enemies or to render their radars or other detection equipments inoperable.

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Artificial Intelligence and fascism

So Google was exposed yesterday by Project Veritas (Source) for programming a targeted leftist, specifically anti-Trump bias in their search algorithms. Why is this important? Here’s why:

In the 1930s, the Nazi party did a very similar thing, they took control of the media and shut out or silenced every voice of opposition, counter power and dissent. The consequences in hindsight were of course dire. Now the left might not have bad intentions, fair enough, I’m not American so who wins their elections is not much of my business (aside from obvious American global influence on everything from culture to economics).
The issue is not if you agree with or like Donald Trump and his government; It’s the ability to silence, discredit and manipulate information, concerning all opposition to a given viewpoint. It’s the issue of freedom of press and freedom of speech. The real issue here is ethics.

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Where the hell is my cake?

Evolution is interesting as a scientific concept: we came from a cell that assembled itself from multiple different elements which in turn developed into something more complex. From my very basic understanding of evolution, we started off as a mono cellular organism in the sea, went through several stages of the evolutionary process in an aquatic environment and then migrated to land going through a variety of monkey like stages before one day deciding it was time to stand on two legs and walk.

Simplistic, yes but that’s more or less my understanding of the concept. Anyhoo, I got to wondering if it were possible that my favourite cake could one day evolve in the same way out of random existing elements to become a fully formed black forest gateau!

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