Artificial Intelligence and fascism

So Google was exposed yesterday by Project Veritas (Source) for programming a targeted leftist, specifically anti-Trump bias in their search algorithms. Why is this important? Here’s why:

In the 1930s, the Nazi party did a very similar thing, they took control of the media and shut out or silenced every voice of opposition, counter power and dissent. The consequences in hindsight were of course dire. Now the left might not have bad intentions, fair enough, I’m not American so who wins their elections is not much of my business (aside from obvious American global influence on everything from culture to economics).
The issue is not if you agree with or like Donald Trump and his government; It’s the ability to silence, discredit and manipulate information, concerning all opposition to a given viewpoint. It’s the issue of freedom of press and freedom of speech. The real issue here is ethics.

My concern is that global companies are using their power and quasi-unavoidable media presence to dominate the political, cultural and societal narrative locally, nationally and globally. These companies are run by a handful of people who set the global agenda of thought patterns they wish people to follow. They are not informing public opinion, they are shaping it. If today their views may seem to you moderate or reasonable, that’s fine; but what happens when the group of people who have this kind of unchecked, unrestrained influence hold extreme views and are in agreement with the powers in place? Unrestrained, unchecked and virtually unstoppable fascism!

Lawmakers need to rise up and take control of the issues surrounding A.I., do it quickly and do it globally or we may end up with a single fascist world view and all the horrific consequences that go with it. Media has the power to promote a voice but also the power to silence it.

If the likes are Google wish to act as an agent of political influence, then they need to declare that intention and be regulated as any political influence group should be. Current laws regulating political activities were put in place for a purpose, to avoid foul play and abuse of power or of a dominant position.

If Google wants to truly protect minorities, as it claims, it might use it’s own search engine to review history. It will find that under a dictatorship or fascist regime, those who suffer the most are usually… minorities.
Project Veritas has done some interesting work on uncovering programmed algorythmic bias within google the article can be found here

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