Unforgiveness & Justice

So, here we go. Why do we need to forgive? Why should we forgive someone who cheated, slandered, stole or wronged us in any one of a million different ways.

Often we did nothing to deserve it, it seems gratuitous from our perspective and may well be; so why should I, who was wronged, forgive the person who afflicted me with their messed up attitude to life?
Basically a choice has been given to us.

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The justice of God

Justice is an interesting subject and I believe key to understanding God’s view and purpose for the earth and everything in it.

The notion of justice as we understand it on earth entails dispensation of punishment relating to a crime or sin. With God things are similar in the Old Testament but change substantially with the arrival of Jesus Christ. Jesus is all about getting what someone infinitely better that me deserves. I don’t get what I deserve, I get what Christ deserves (we were made co-inheritors in Christ). Continue reading “The justice of God”