Religion obliges vs. love empowers

There are so many different religions, so what’s the difference between Christianity and any other religion?

Most religions lay out a set of laws and rules that you need to obey to be worthy or righteous or to attain some degree of spiritual piety, prestige or position. The most holy thing in the religion is the rule book or law by which the believer abides.

With Christianity, the law or rules are not obligations that hover over you with a promise of punishment for wrongdoing; they are a foundation on which you stand.

The premise is that Christ died to make you perfect. You are born again and setup for success on a solid foundation. That foundation then is not above you, crushing you, but under you, built by those who went before you.

It’s for you build on. You stand on Christ (the Word of God), the foundation, to do greater things than He did. Everything is sustained by the Word of God, not by your own effort.

You do not begin your journey under an impossible burden of perfection, you start as a baby for whom all is provided and you grow and learn to hunt for your own food; to “build the temple” of the Holy Spirit on the foundation of The Word that is given to you at conception.