Should Boris Johnson resign?

We’ve all heard the cries of scandal in the past week over a couple of parties held at No 10 and the demands from various parties for Boris Johnson’s resignation. All well and good, politicians should be held to account.

The question that arises as soon as I hear these kinds of things is; What is in the nation’s best interest?

The answer is not always self-evident as there are many parameters to consider:


Firstly, let’s talk about stability. In a context of Covid and economic uncertainty, do we need a change of leadership or would it be wiser to let those who have some experience of leading the country in the current context continue to do so?  A government that changes too often does not have time to implement policies that are potentially beneficial for the country, it is also vulnerable to outside influence from other countries as it is weakened by the lack of internal support and so needs to seek allies externally, this invariably comes at a cost, there’s no such thing as a free lunch in politics.