Jezebel and the moral revolution

The current moral or immoral revolution we are experiencing broke out in the sixties. It was the supposed liberation of repressed sexuality or morality into a more inclusive society that more or less made space for anyone to try anything they desired. Where the church had globally held moral authority for 2000 years, Jezebel showed her ugly head and started to corrupt society and put into place a short, medium and long term plan.

The premise here is that Jezebel always goes after authority and authority on earth has been given to men; Jezebel needs man’s agreement to exercise authority.

Short term

The short term plan was to get a generation to agree that a “free” sexuality was the way to go and to normalise perversion. This was done to obtain authority through agreement of individuals, groups and communities, on a local or regional level.

Medium term

The medium term plan is to legally implement this new normality, this is done by obtaining the legal authority of a nation through agreement at an institutional level i.e. passing laws that enable, protect and justify perversion.

Long term

The long term plan is persecution and murder of the people of God and anyone that opposes Jezebel so as to enact and reign over a kingdom.
Jezabel is effectively usurping the church’s mandate to disciple nations. This is what we see in the old testament with the murder of the prophets and the submission of Israel to idolatry and perversion. We also see that those who oppose the current “immoral revolution” today regularly receive death threats which, to a degree, serve to reveal the murderous intentions of a spirit pushing it’s agenda.

The answer to this moral crisis, as to every crisis, is always the church (as the church is adjoined to Christ to reign on earth, the church is not peripheral to the world but the world is peripheral to the church) and as such it is a spiritual answer: Prayer, prayer and prayer. (If the people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray, I will heal their land). The church has been given the authority to reign on earth and disciple nations, but possibly through a lack of prayer (I can’t affirm this, I don’t know who prays what and how much, only God does) has left vacant it’s place of authority.

We need to realise what is going on and rise up not in endless protests but in prayer for our leaders and our nations. Although I am not personally opposed to civil or legal action, it is not our main tool and though it may be useful at times, it needs to be accompanied by prayer in any event . The Spirit of Prophecy is always present in the undoing of Jezabel, the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. The bible never says “go out into the streets and shout protest slogans at the government, it says pray!. Don’t fear, pray, Jesus is king.

This is a good place to start. Shalom (see also How Authority Flows article)

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