Milk and meat

What is the difference between the milk and the meat of the word of God?

I have often heard that the milk is the easy stuff and the meat is the really complex theological stuff, but this never made sense to me in so far as we are told that even a child can enter the kingdom. So does that in effect mean that a child cannot enter the depth of the kingdom until he has intellectual acumen?
If we take the natural elements of milk and meat and how they are obtained and administered the picture is clear:

Milk is GIVEN to a child, the child is pressed up again the mother and encouraged to drink in the very first stages, the child then understands to demand food and is given it on demand. It feeds one person at a time. It requires little effort on behalf of the receiver.

Meat on the other hand has to be hunted, it requires to engage in a pursuit, to be committed and to have a “killer instinct”. Something has to die for me to obtain it, it requires blood to be shed and a sacrifice to be made. A good “kill” can feed a tribe for several days. It requires effort to obtain.

“We are given what we NEED, but that which we DESIRE we have to pursue” (Bill Johnson). Meat is that which we DESIRE, it is something we have to get for ourselves, I don’t think we can get it from someone else (although we can feed off someone else’s kill), that would cancel out the need to hunt, seek and pursue.

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