Digesting the word

I have often been listening to someone speak, or preach or just had a conversation and thought “hang on, there’s something not quite right here”. The person has said something, maybe benign enough, but it has disturbed my spirit. It’s as though the Holy Spirit in me says “don’t make agreement with or ingest that bit”. It’s not necessarily that the whole conversation or speech is bad, or even that the bit I need to reject is no good, it’s just that I don’t need to encumber my “digestive system” with it right now.

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Supporting couples

When someone tries to protect a woman or a man within a couple (outside of abuse of course) and supports one but not the other, they are in effect placing the person they are protecting under a pseudo parental authority. They are withdrawing them from the authority of their own home and going against the word that state “a man will leave his mother and father and be joined to his wife”.

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Milk and meat

What is the difference between the milk and the meat of the word of God?

I have often heard that the milk is the easy stuff and the meat is the really complex theological stuff, but this never made sense to me in so far as we are told that even a child can enter the kingdom. So does that in effect mean that a child cannot enter the depth of the kingdom until he has intellectual acumen?
If we take the natural elements of milk and meat and how they are obtained and administered the picture is clear:

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Peace on all your borders

When I think of solomon, the first thing that comes to mind is of course wisdom. Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived or ever will live according to the Old Testament. He was able to advance the kingdom of Israel in the areas of science, art, beauty, society, engineering, diplomacy and probably a whole host of other areas that are not cited in biblical accounts.

Yet there is an element of the reign of Solomon that I had overlooked: Israel had peace on all it’s borders during the reign of Solomon (1Kings ch. 4). One of the greatest blessings we can have is having “peace on all our borders”.