The justice of God

Justice is an interesting subject and I believe key to understanding God’s view and purpose for the earth and everything in it.

The notion of justice as we understand it on earth entails dispensation of punishment relating to a crime or sin. With God things are similar in the Old Testament but change substantially with the arrival of Jesus Christ. Jesus is all about getting what someone infinitely better that me deserves. I don’t get what I deserve, I get what Christ deserves (we were made co-inheritors in Christ).
So what does Christ deserve? The bible says “the earth and the fulness there of”, what does this look like? Did Christ pay to have an earth full of hatred, sickness, shame, sin and murder? Or did Christ pay to inherit an earth that was worthy of Him? So then for Christ (and me) to get what He deserves, justice has to be served upon sickness, bondage, death, hate, sin, destruction, depression, oppression and all the works of the devil, so that Christ will finally get what He deserves and has paid for in full: Heaven on earth!

God has chosen us to be the mediums of the execution of His justice by freeing the captives, healing the sick and raising the dead. Christ has empowered us through the Holy Spirit to do just that.

Could it be that Heaven on earth is the fulfilment of God’s justice towards Christ.
Is this the “Joy set before Him” that the bible says was the reason that Christ endured the cross?
Could the “joy set before him” refer to the “revelation of the Son’s of God” that all creation yearns for (Romans 8:19).
Could justice mean me and you being revealed as everything we were meant to be “from God, through God and towards God”? A blessing to this earth.

Father I ask for your justice, may it be on earth as it is in heaven!

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